Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Psychology 3510 Developmental Psychology
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Project
Student’s Name: Ann Bohannon-Stewart
Instructor: Dr. Helen M. Lillard
Spring 2007 Midterm Paper
Dr. Lillard asked us to rank Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence and give the order.
My order is from greatest to least:
1. Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically; and language as a means to remember information. Writers, poets, lawyers and speakers are among those that Howard Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligences.
1. This to me was the most important one, because I had good communications skills when I was a child.
2. I grew up with 5 older brothers and at one time I was told that girls usually talk faster or develop language faster than boys do. So maybe that is why my family thought I talked sooner than my brothers did.
3. My father and my mother were my best teachers. I only learned one language, but I learned it well. Math was always harder for me than English was in school. It still is.
4. I did learn some improper English from my older brothers when I was developing speech as a child. I understand that now, because I have twin boys and 3 children of my own. When you learn English from young children who are still developing the language you don’t always pronounce your words correctly. I did that too when I was a child, but my twin boys learned twin talk, and had to go to speech therapy to try to learn the English language the correct way. It was very frustrating for them, and even though I picked up a few incorrect words from my older siblings when I was developing as a child I was never to the extreme of what my twins were.
5. My parents thought I excelled in learning English, but I couldn’t pronounce my name correctly, because my older brothers kept calling me “Gondgie”. Don’t ask me why, maybe it was their pet play name for me, and for the longest time I thought that really was my name.
6. But as an adult, I can say that I understand the English language well enough that I don’t have any trouble communicating with people or talking publicly. Ms Lillard you should know that, cause I probably talk more than any other student in you class. (giggle and smile)
I learned good verbal skills at a young age, and I think that is because my siblings were older than me. I was the youngest to born in my family and my next in age sibling was 4 years older than me. Even though I learned best from my parents my brothers also talked to me and helped me learn English better. If I would have had younger siblings I probably wouldn’t have learned English so easily.
2. Mathematical- Logical intelligence consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. In Howard Gardner's words, in entails the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.
1. Even if I consider myself better at English than math when I was a child, I still wasn’t to shabby in Math class either. I did pretty well with numbers in school and learned how to count to 10 when I was 2.
2. I still do pretty good in Math as a adult. I made the dean’s list here at TSU every semester and last semester Dr. Bignall gave me an A in physics. So I can do math pretty well too.
3. My mother taught me how to count. I remember one time when I was sick, I would count till I fell asleep or lay on the ground and count the stars was always a favorite of mine when I was a kid.
4. I was also good at puzzles. I could put them together pretty fast when I was a kid, which shows reasoning skills.
5. Now as an adult, I can use reasoning skills to research and figure out problems. I especially have to do this in Physics class cause some of the problems get so complicated.
Even though I could count to 10 when I was 2, I still think my logical Math skills didn’t show fully until I was older, like around the age of 6 or 7 because that is when I started doing pretty well in math and reasoning in school. I do think as a adult recently I have to use more logical reasoning in the college classes I take today. So far I have excelled in Math as a adult, but I have to study so hard. It really doesn’t come easy for me, but I can do it.
3. Visual/Spatial intelligence -involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas. Those who learn best visually and organizing things spatially.
1. I believe I am this way because I learned better how to count things when my parents would pull out coins and other objects and let me count them when I was a kid.
2. I also believe I have a sort of a “monkey see, monkey do” kind of learning ability cause I feel like a learn better by watching other people do things first.
3. I can do charts, graphs and draw maps pretty well.
4. I’m pretty good at charades too. If I can picture something I usually have a better chance of figuring it out.
5. I consider myself very organized. Much more organized than my, brothers or my husband.
I’m somebody who feels like I need a teacher. I do better when someone shows me or teaches me something visually, instead of me having to learn subjects on my own. That’s probably why I enjoy taking classes at TSU instead of taking them online. I like have a professor that I can ask questions and be shown how something works, especially in courses like Chemistry. I learned how molecules were conjoined by seeing small models of them put together. It helped me learn, because I could see it.
4. Interpersonal intelligence is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counselors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence.
1. I’m very social. I can even say I may talk to much. Ms. Lillard you should have noticed this in your class already.
2. I’m very friendly and socialable. I almost consider myself a people pleaser kind of person and sometimes wish I wasn’t that way.
3. But on the other hand I consider myself caring and aware of other people’s feelings.
4. I think this skill could help me become a good doctor, if I make it though medical school.
5. My social skills have helped me hold down long term jobs in my lifetime.
I’ve developed this skill as an adult. I didn’t have it when I was a younger child. I don’t think I developed it until I was a teenager. I was kind of selfish when I was a kid and didn’t learn to care about people other than myself until I got older, but when I got married and had children I learned to care about them more than myself.
5. Musical intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence.
1. My father is a musician and minister and I feel like I get this skill from him. He taught me how to play piano when I was a child and I play in church.
2. I have written, sang and composed a few albums with the help of modern technology of course. I compose on midi keyboard devices.
3. Music has helped me with learning math skills. I’ve learn how to write Nashville number charts for different songs that I play.
4. I of course learned my ABC’s and 123’s by watching the show like Sesame Street on television.
5. I’ve learned how to play violin and using my hands more skillfully by playing different interments.
Learning from music was always helpful to me, even as a young child. I believe this should be used in all learning for all children, because it really works, as long as the child can hear of course. It’s also a fun way of learning; at least it was for me as a child and still is for me as an adult.
6. Existential intelligence, a concern with 'ultimate issues', is, thus, the next possibility that Howard Gardner considers - and he argues that it 'scores reasonably well on the criteria. However, empirical evidence is sparse - and although a ninth intelligence might be attractive, Howard Gardner is not disposed to add it to the list. 'I find the phenomenon perplexing enough and the distance from the other intelligences vast enough to dictate prudence - at least for now. In Howard’s exploration, he begins by asking whether it is possible to delineate the 'moral domain'. He suggests that it is difficult to come to any consensual definition, but argues that it is possible to come to an understanding that takes exploration forward. Central to a moral domain, Howard Gardner suggests, 'is a concern with those rules, behaviors and attitudes that govern the sanctity of life - in particular, the sanctity of human life and, in many cases, the sanctity of any other living creatures and the world they inhabit. If we accept the existence of a moral realm is it them possible to speak of moral intelligence? If it 'connotes the adoption of any specific moral code' then Howard Gardner does not find the term moral intelligence acceptable. Furthermore, he argues, researchers and writers have not as yet 'captured the essence of the moral domain as an instance of human intelligence.
1. I’m going to link this one with religion and spiritual beliefs. I’m am a child of a Pennicostal minister. This put deep religious beliefs in me
2. I have always believed everyone or everything has a purpose, and even though a world full of so many people can us feel small and insignificant we are not.
3. God is real to me and I am a believer. I believe he’s put us on this earth as part of his plan. Whatever that may be.
4. As I pray I believe I find the way God is leading me, or the things he wants me to do in my life (such as going into the medical field). I believe that this is what God wants me to do with my life.
5. What did God put me on this earth, hopefully to do good or great things. This is my meaning of life.
There’s not really much more I can add to this other than I believe in God and to me that is our creator and our reason for being what and where I am today. I don’t know the meaning of life, but God does in my opinion and I just place my faith in that.
7. Naturalist intelligence enables human beings to recognize, categorize and draw upon certain features of the environment. It 'combines a description of the core ability with a characterization of the role that many cultures value. The case for inclusion of naturalist intelligence appears pretty straightforward, the position with regard to spiritual intelligence is far more complex. According to Howard Gardner there are problems, for example, around the 'content' of spiritual intelligence, its privileged but unsubstantiated claims with regard to truth value, 'and the need for it to be partially identified through its effect on other people.
1. I grew up on a farm. I had pigs, chickens, a goat, cats, a few horses and I enjoyed living in the country.
2. I went fishing and hunting with my father and I could honestly say if I had too I could live off the land.
3. I also enjoy studying biology and learning how nature works.
4. I’m hoping I can be a doctor so I can study how the natural body works with nature.
5. I consider myself a naturalist, because I want to preserve the environment.
I consider myself a country girl and always will be at heart. I’m at home with nature and I enjoy studying biology. Biology is my favorite subject. But to me Naturalist intelligences ties in with my belief of God too, because this is the creator of all things of nature.
8. Intrapersonal intelligence entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations. In Howard Gardner's view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.
1. I have learned a lot about myself as I have grown. Such as I would like to be someone’s hero. Someone who has respect or is admired. I think a lot of people are the same way I am.
2. I guess that is why I want an education so badly. I have been without a college degree most of my adult life and I want so badly to graduate maybe so I can prove I’m not a dummy like I have felt like in the past, because I’m uneducated. Being uneducated can give you very low self-esteem and I had that for many years.
3. It took a lot of courage for me to go back to school, because I never felt like I was intelligent enough to past or do well in school, but I’m learning that if I try really hard, I can make really good grades. I just have to put the kind of effort into it that other people do not have to. What I mean is some students tell me they don’t have to study to do well in school. I have to study all the time. It’s not that I think am smarter than anyone else, it’s that I try harder than most of the other students, because it means more to me than it does to them.
4. It means more to me probably because I would like to be a doctor. My mother has Lymphoma Cancer and she’s always fighting for another day of life. That has really put a feeling of we are all in a race against time for all the life we can get.
5. My inter feelings are usually very obvious. My husband tells me he can read me like a book. So therefore I guess I must show my inter emotions a lot and sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve, at least to my husband I do.
I understand my own needs and emotions and the need to have people around me that understand my emotions, and I try to surround myself with people who I feel like have a positive opinion of me. I have a hurting need to get an education, because I have felt like I’m less of a person because I don’t have a education. It has made me feel beneath other people who are more educated than I am. I developed these conclusions as a young adult, when I could only get minimum wage jobs cause of my low education and skills.
9. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails the potential of using one's whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. Howard Gardner sees mental and physical activity as related.
1. Like I said before, I’m pretty good at charades.
2. I do pretty well at board games, and I am pretty good at sports too. My high school basketball team went to the state championship 2 years in a row.
3. I’m an excellent chest player.
4. I helped my brothers build tree houses and work on cars when I was a kid. I can still string a guitar or tune a violin if needed.
5. I work well with my hands.
I guess I didn’t think I was very developed at this skill until practiced something a lot. Even though I played piano and basketball, I really didn’t good at them until I did a lot of practicing. So it didn’t really come easily for me. I had to work pretty hard at it.
Summary Paragraph:
I feel like my parents claimed I was good at Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence when I was a young child about 1 or 2 years old. My parents believed that I learned language quickly. Maybe because I was the only daughter they had. As for Mathematical- Logical intelligence I feel like my parents made that possible for me too. My mother told me I could count to 10 when I was 2 so they just assumed I was good at Math. I just wrote down on this report what my parents told me. Visual/Spatial intelligence I feel like I learned this skill about myself when I was young teenager about 12 or so. I think I considered myself much more organized than my family and friends who were the same age as me at the time. As for Interpersonal intelligence, I don’t thing I considered myself conscious of other people’s feelings until I became an adult. When I was a child I was very selfish and probably on cared about my own personal feelings and wants. As a child I was probably more Intrapersonal and had to grow up a little bit as least to the age of 12-15 before I became more intrapersonal and even caring about other people’s feelings and emotions. Musical intelligence I feel like I got this started at a young age of about 2 as well. My mother would turn on educational shows like Sesame Street and sing my ABC’s and things like that to me at a young age and my father always was tiring to get me to play instruments with him even when I was just 3 years old, he had me strumming the ukulele in church. Existential intelligence in my case I have reverted this back to my religious beliefs, because I was raised by a Christian minister, I guess this started at a young age for me too. I don’t remember ever missing a Sunday of church. Naturalist intelligence, I grew up on a farm in the country with a father that hunted and fished and lived off the land. I went fishing and hunting with him a lot when I was a child. My mother would get mad at me because I wouldn’t stay in the house and help her with the dishes, instead I would go hunting with my father. I was born on my dad’s birthday and I was the only daughter he had. My mother says I’m more like him than my brothers are, and he’s very naturalist so I guess he rubbed off on me. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence really don’t consider this my strongest point. I ranked it number 9, so I don’t consider it high on my intellectual list. This is the end of my paragraph. Have a great day Ms. Lillard.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Project a little better.
Reference: Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm
Sorry about all the typos and mis-spelled words folks...I'm in a bit of a hurry to get done with this, and I'm really not the world's greatest speller.
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Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Project
Student’s Name: Ann Bohannon-Stewart
Instructor: Dr. Helen M. Lillard
Spring 2007 Midterm Paper
Dr. Lillard asked us to rank Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence and give the order.
My order is from greatest to least:
1. Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically; and language as a means to remember information. Writers, poets, lawyers and speakers are among those that Howard Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligences.
1. This to me was the most important one, because I had good communications skills when I was a child.
2. I grew up with 5 older brothers and at one time I was told that girls usually talk faster or develop language faster than boys do. So maybe that is why my family thought I talked sooner than my brothers did.
3. My father and my mother were my best teachers. I only learned one language, but I learned it well. Math was always harder for me than English was in school. It still is.
4. I did learn some improper English from my older brothers when I was developing speech as a child. I understand that now, because I have twin boys and 3 children of my own. When you learn English from young children who are still developing the language you don’t always pronounce your words correctly. I did that too when I was a child, but my twin boys learned twin talk, and had to go to speech therapy to try to learn the English language the correct way. It was very frustrating for them, and even though I picked up a few incorrect words from my older siblings when I was developing as a child I was never to the extreme of what my twins were.
5. My parents thought I excelled in learning English, but I couldn’t pronounce my name correctly, because my older brothers kept calling me “Gondgie”. Don’t ask me why, maybe it was their pet play name for me, and for the longest time I thought that really was my name.
6. But as an adult, I can say that I understand the English language well enough that I don’t have any trouble communicating with people or talking publicly. Ms Lillard you should know that, cause I probably talk more than any other student in you class. (giggle and smile)
I learned good verbal skills at a young age, and I think that is because my siblings were older than me. I was the youngest to born in my family and my next in age sibling was 4 years older than me. Even though I learned best from my parents my brothers also talked to me and helped me learn English better. If I would have had younger siblings I probably wouldn’t have learned English so easily.
2. Mathematical- Logical intelligence consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. In Howard Gardner's words, in entails the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.
1. Even if I consider myself better at English than math when I was a child, I still wasn’t to shabby in Math class either. I did pretty well with numbers in school and learned how to count to 10 when I was 2.
2. I still do pretty good in Math as a adult. I made the dean’s list here at TSU every semester and last semester Dr. Bignall gave me an A in physics. So I can do math pretty well too.
3. My mother taught me how to count. I remember one time when I was sick, I would count till I fell asleep or lay on the ground and count the stars was always a favorite of mine when I was a kid.
4. I was also good at puzzles. I could put them together pretty fast when I was a kid, which shows reasoning skills.
5. Now as an adult, I can use reasoning skills to research and figure out problems. I especially have to do this in Physics class cause some of the problems get so complicated.
Even though I could count to 10 when I was 2, I still think my logical Math skills didn’t show fully until I was older, like around the age of 6 or 7 because that is when I started doing pretty well in math and reasoning in school. I do think as a adult recently I have to use more logical reasoning in the college classes I take today. So far I have excelled in Math as a adult, but I have to study so hard. It really doesn’t come easy for me, but I can do it.
3. Visual/Spatial intelligence -involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas. Those who learn best visually and organizing things spatially.
1. I believe I am this way because I learned better how to count things when my parents would pull out coins and other objects and let me count them when I was a kid.
2. I also believe I have a sort of a “monkey see, monkey do” kind of learning ability cause I feel like a learn better by watching other people do things first.
3. I can do charts, graphs and draw maps pretty well.
4. I’m pretty good at charades too. If I can picture something I usually have a better chance of figuring it out.
5. I consider myself very organized. Much more organized than my, brothers or my husband.
I’m somebody who feels like I need a teacher. I do better when someone shows me or teaches me something visually, instead of me having to learn subjects on my own. That’s probably why I enjoy taking classes at TSU instead of taking them online. I like have a professor that I can ask questions and be shown how something works, especially in courses like Chemistry. I learned how molecules were conjoined by seeing small models of them put together. It helped me learn, because I could see it.
4. Interpersonal intelligence is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counselors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence.
1. I’m very social. I can even say I may talk to much. Ms. Lillard you should have noticed this in your class already.
2. I’m very friendly and socialable. I almost consider myself a people pleaser kind of person and sometimes wish I wasn’t that way.
3. But on the other hand I consider myself caring and aware of other people’s feelings.
4. I think this skill could help me become a good doctor, if I make it though medical school.
5. My social skills have helped me hold down long term jobs in my lifetime.
I’ve developed this skill as an adult. I didn’t have it when I was a younger child. I don’t think I developed it until I was a teenager. I was kind of selfish when I was a kid and didn’t learn to care about people other than myself until I got older, but when I got married and had children I learned to care about them more than myself.
5. Musical intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence.
1. My father is a musician and minister and I feel like I get this skill from him. He taught me how to play piano when I was a child and I play in church.
2. I have written, sang and composed a few albums with the help of modern technology of course. I compose on midi keyboard devices.
3. Music has helped me with learning math skills. I’ve learn how to write Nashville number charts for different songs that I play.
4. I of course learned my ABC’s and 123’s by watching the show like Sesame Street on television.
5. I’ve learned how to play violin and using my hands more skillfully by playing different interments.
Learning from music was always helpful to me, even as a young child. I believe this should be used in all learning for all children, because it really works, as long as the child can hear of course. It’s also a fun way of learning; at least it was for me as a child and still is for me as an adult.
6. Existential intelligence, a concern with 'ultimate issues', is, thus, the next possibility that Howard Gardner considers - and he argues that it 'scores reasonably well on the criteria. However, empirical evidence is sparse - and although a ninth intelligence might be attractive, Howard Gardner is not disposed to add it to the list. 'I find the phenomenon perplexing enough and the distance from the other intelligences vast enough to dictate prudence - at least for now. In Howard’s exploration, he begins by asking whether it is possible to delineate the 'moral domain'. He suggests that it is difficult to come to any consensual definition, but argues that it is possible to come to an understanding that takes exploration forward. Central to a moral domain, Howard Gardner suggests, 'is a concern with those rules, behaviors and attitudes that govern the sanctity of life - in particular, the sanctity of human life and, in many cases, the sanctity of any other living creatures and the world they inhabit. If we accept the existence of a moral realm is it them possible to speak of moral intelligence? If it 'connotes the adoption of any specific moral code' then Howard Gardner does not find the term moral intelligence acceptable. Furthermore, he argues, researchers and writers have not as yet 'captured the essence of the moral domain as an instance of human intelligence.
1. I’m going to link this one with religion and spiritual beliefs. I’m am a child of a Pennicostal minister. This put deep religious beliefs in me
2. I have always believed everyone or everything has a purpose, and even though a world full of so many people can us feel small and insignificant we are not.
3. God is real to me and I am a believer. I believe he’s put us on this earth as part of his plan. Whatever that may be.
4. As I pray I believe I find the way God is leading me, or the things he wants me to do in my life (such as going into the medical field). I believe that this is what God wants me to do with my life.
5. What did God put me on this earth, hopefully to do good or great things. This is my meaning of life.
There’s not really much more I can add to this other than I believe in God and to me that is our creator and our reason for being what and where I am today. I don’t know the meaning of life, but God does in my opinion and I just place my faith in that.
7. Naturalist intelligence enables human beings to recognize, categorize and draw upon certain features of the environment. It 'combines a description of the core ability with a characterization of the role that many cultures value. The case for inclusion of naturalist intelligence appears pretty straightforward, the position with regard to spiritual intelligence is far more complex. According to Howard Gardner there are problems, for example, around the 'content' of spiritual intelligence, its privileged but unsubstantiated claims with regard to truth value, 'and the need for it to be partially identified through its effect on other people.
1. I grew up on a farm. I had pigs, chickens, a goat, cats, a few horses and I enjoyed living in the country.
2. I went fishing and hunting with my father and I could honestly say if I had too I could live off the land.
3. I also enjoy studying biology and learning how nature works.
4. I’m hoping I can be a doctor so I can study how the natural body works with nature.
5. I consider myself a naturalist, because I want to preserve the environment.
I consider myself a country girl and always will be at heart. I’m at home with nature and I enjoy studying biology. Biology is my favorite subject. But to me Naturalist intelligences ties in with my belief of God too, because this is the creator of all things of nature.
8. Intrapersonal intelligence entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations. In Howard Gardner's view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.
1. I have learned a lot about myself as I have grown. Such as I would like to be someone’s hero. Someone who has respect or is admired. I think a lot of people are the same way I am.
2. I guess that is why I want an education so badly. I have been without a college degree most of my adult life and I want so badly to graduate maybe so I can prove I’m not a dummy like I have felt like in the past, because I’m uneducated. Being uneducated can give you very low self-esteem and I had that for many years.
3. It took a lot of courage for me to go back to school, because I never felt like I was intelligent enough to past or do well in school, but I’m learning that if I try really hard, I can make really good grades. I just have to put the kind of effort into it that other people do not have to. What I mean is some students tell me they don’t have to study to do well in school. I have to study all the time. It’s not that I think am smarter than anyone else, it’s that I try harder than most of the other students, because it means more to me than it does to them.
4. It means more to me probably because I would like to be a doctor. My mother has Lymphoma Cancer and she’s always fighting for another day of life. That has really put a feeling of we are all in a race against time for all the life we can get.
5. My inter feelings are usually very obvious. My husband tells me he can read me like a book. So therefore I guess I must show my inter emotions a lot and sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve, at least to my husband I do.
I understand my own needs and emotions and the need to have people around me that understand my emotions, and I try to surround myself with people who I feel like have a positive opinion of me. I have a hurting need to get an education, because I have felt like I’m less of a person because I don’t have a education. It has made me feel beneath other people who are more educated than I am. I developed these conclusions as a young adult, when I could only get minimum wage jobs cause of my low education and skills.
9. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails the potential of using one's whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. Howard Gardner sees mental and physical activity as related.
1. Like I said before, I’m pretty good at charades.
2. I do pretty well at board games, and I am pretty good at sports too. My high school basketball team went to the state championship 2 years in a row.
3. I’m an excellent chest player.
4. I helped my brothers build tree houses and work on cars when I was a kid. I can still string a guitar or tune a violin if needed.
5. I work well with my hands.
I guess I didn’t think I was very developed at this skill until practiced something a lot. Even though I played piano and basketball, I really didn’t good at them until I did a lot of practicing. So it didn’t really come easily for me. I had to work pretty hard at it.
Summary Paragraph:
I feel like my parents claimed I was good at Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence when I was a young child about 1 or 2 years old. My parents believed that I learned language quickly. Maybe because I was the only daughter they had. As for Mathematical- Logical intelligence I feel like my parents made that possible for me too. My mother told me I could count to 10 when I was 2 so they just assumed I was good at Math. I just wrote down on this report what my parents told me. Visual/Spatial intelligence I feel like I learned this skill about myself when I was young teenager about 12 or so. I think I considered myself much more organized than my family and friends who were the same age as me at the time. As for Interpersonal intelligence, I don’t thing I considered myself conscious of other people’s feelings until I became an adult. When I was a child I was very selfish and probably on cared about my own personal feelings and wants. As a child I was probably more Intrapersonal and had to grow up a little bit as least to the age of 12-15 before I became more intrapersonal and even caring about other people’s feelings and emotions. Musical intelligence I feel like I got this started at a young age of about 2 as well. My mother would turn on educational shows like Sesame Street and sing my ABC’s and things like that to me at a young age and my father always was tiring to get me to play instruments with him even when I was just 3 years old, he had me strumming the ukulele in church. Existential intelligence in my case I have reverted this back to my religious beliefs, because I was raised by a Christian minister, I guess this started at a young age for me too. I don’t remember ever missing a Sunday of church. Naturalist intelligence, I grew up on a farm in the country with a father that hunted and fished and lived off the land. I went fishing and hunting with him a lot when I was a child. My mother would get mad at me because I wouldn’t stay in the house and help her with the dishes, instead I would go hunting with my father. I was born on my dad’s birthday and I was the only daughter he had. My mother says I’m more like him than my brothers are, and he’s very naturalist so I guess he rubbed off on me. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence really don’t consider this my strongest point. I ranked it number 9, so I don’t consider it high on my intellectual list. This is the end of my paragraph. Have a great day Ms. Lillard.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Project a little better.
Reference: Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm
Sorry about all the typos and mis-spelled words folks...I'm in a bit of a hurry to get done with this, and I'm really not the world's greatest speller.
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Friday, June 02, 2006
Honor Our Troops
By Irena Bell

My name is Irena Bell, founder of Peace Quilts around the world. Please take a moment to read a very special letter that could help anyone affected by the War on Iraq, as well as any other servicemen and women who serve our country here at home and overseas. Please feel free to contact me about the letter or for information about our projects.
Thank you, Irena
We look forward each day for a new creation, for We never know what God will place in our hands. His love and guidance can give us gifts we hold so dear. The gift that the Lord has showed me through my art is the gift of healing. We all need healing, whether we can admit to it or not. While searching to soothe my soul, the inspiring idea of healing quilts was born. Creating Peace Quilts was my way of giving back to those who gave me their All, as well as those who returned home, finding themselves struggling to begin a different life. Our heroes are forgotten and disgraced, accused and dishonored, as some return to a life that welcomes them without gratitude. The saddening truth is that most people today can so easily exclude themselves from the proud. They go on with their existence without any gratitude nor honor to those who have fought for our freedom before, and those who defend our freedom today. The consequences of such a struggle can go unnoticed, until it is too late.
We must learn our lessons from previous wars, avoiding what has happened to our veterans and heroes, who found themselves isolated and trying to adjust to a new life. We still cry for our men and women who never returned home, and America will never stop crying until they all come home. These POW's and MIA's from all the wars need to be honored and saluted for their bravery in serving our country. We pray that they will be welcomed home with open arms, waiting for their return. Understanding that the battle can continue inside our soldiers (PTSD) is an effort that we all must grasp before it's too late. Without persecuting the idea, without being bias, we can accept the gift of peace quilts as just one of many efforts in the road to healing.
I believe I am here to help through this mission of healing our great nation. Those who gave us their youth, knowing they will return as men. Those who cared for our loved ones, making sure they safely return to home. The doctors and nurses, and all our heroes, who never asked for anything in return. This is Peace quilts around the world, recognizing One and All, letting them know how much we love all of our heroes, past present, and future.
As our men and women serve this country from far across the land, it becomes our duty to serve our men and women from home. Honoring our heroes through show of support, our duties as Americans become the reassurance that every soldier needs to know.
They set off to war protecting us from harm in a ways we never knew. They set off into war, defending our flag and freedom. We thank them for serving our country, yet we as countrymen seldom know the true nature of war, and the horrors it presents. Sure, we can keep ourselves informed to some extend by watching the media and reading the papers, however, no one can understand war like the men and women who have experienced it and understand the true nature of it. Our men and women will never forget what they have experienced and endured for you and me. As we all stand up and rise as one nation, to love and support our pride, our loved ones, now and forever, we must give thanks and honor them around the world for giving us the sweetest gift of all, our freedom... To live the life we choose to live here in our wonderful USA. Remember this, that one day it will happen. Our loved ones will be called off to war, and we shall stand strong, with pride and honor, waving our American flag. We are all proud Americans, and we shall stand strong hand in hand.
When we open the door and see that man no more, our heart stops and we cry a river, thinking of the life that would be no more. But then a hand comes down from the heavens above, and touches our hearts with a mission. A mission to heal our souls finding a path that would shine once again, and to help those in need of that healing touch. Sometimes we ask questions, like why we are doing this?, and why would anyone care?. We care because it's our husbands, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, lovers, and best friends for a baby brother. Whoever these wonderful people are, they are our American Heroes, who gave us the right to love each other and share this world of ours in peace.
We have to remind ourselves that there are those in need of guidance, for there are so many that feel so lost as we once did. And yet when you stand back and see those smiling faces and tears that are shared between two, when you hear a thank you from a face you never knew, until we see the tears and hugs that come from far away lands, they say thank you for what we have done.
When we march on the path that was sent forth in front of us, only then will we understand how all of the hard work has helped open up so many doors for others to heal and live again.
Perhaps we as Americans can give back the gift they gave us, by being a part of Peace Quilts Around The World. We can share our healing with everyone through a connection. A connection between the distant heroes and their loved ones. That connection is Peace Quilts, bringing together families and communities across our great free land.
Peace Quilts around the world allows those who do not have any military servicemen and heroes in their family to send blessings and prayers to our men and women overseas, away from home. This gives our men and women a little bit of much needed love from home. These special quilts contain the stories and messages of love, healing, and dedications from American families, and perhaps someday, the world. By combining the different mediums God has given us, we can create miracles by doing his work through the different forms of art. God Bless Our Heroes where ever they may be....... Irena Bell Founder of Peace Quilts 702 433 8549
We have over 150 quilts that are dedicated to all of our heroes. Some of these quilts are dedicated to the 9/11 heroes, N.Y.F.D., N.Y.P.D., EMT's, K-9's, and all those who served helping America heal on that tragic day. We have quilts that honor our fallen police officers, those who serve in the military, as well those serve our homelands. We also have local businesses who have sponsored quilts to help support our military and aid in the healing. If you are interested in helping, or even sponsoring a quilt, please contact me at Ladycolbaltblue96@aol.com. Sponsored quilts will travel to our military bases around the world. The quilts allow the community to give thanks with a loving message, something that has never been done before. Our goal is to send these quilts around the world to support our men and women, no matter where they are. So far, my husband Scott Bell has 9 quilts in Camp Taji, Iraq, for the men and women to sign there. The ‘Gone But Not Forgotten’ quilt shows the names of every person that has passed away during Operation Iraqi Freedom. We also created the ‘9-11’ quilt, for the heroes who have also lost their lives. These people did not deserve to die, but we honor them as heroes through these quilts. Our dream is to send a quilt to every military base around the world, giving thanks and retribution. Soon, each one of these quilts will be going home to a fallen soldier’s family to show our thanks, as well as those that are in hospitals that have been wounded in this war. To make our dream come true, we ask everyone to join forces with Peace Quilts Around The World, to give thanks to our men and women, of the Armed Forces. Thank you all – Irena Bell and Family
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My name is Irena Bell, founder of Peace Quilts around the world. Please take a moment to read a very special letter that could help anyone affected by the War on Iraq, as well as any other servicemen and women who serve our country here at home and overseas. Please feel free to contact me about the letter or for information about our projects.
Thank you, Irena
We look forward each day for a new creation, for We never know what God will place in our hands. His love and guidance can give us gifts we hold so dear. The gift that the Lord has showed me through my art is the gift of healing. We all need healing, whether we can admit to it or not. While searching to soothe my soul, the inspiring idea of healing quilts was born. Creating Peace Quilts was my way of giving back to those who gave me their All, as well as those who returned home, finding themselves struggling to begin a different life. Our heroes are forgotten and disgraced, accused and dishonored, as some return to a life that welcomes them without gratitude. The saddening truth is that most people today can so easily exclude themselves from the proud. They go on with their existence without any gratitude nor honor to those who have fought for our freedom before, and those who defend our freedom today. The consequences of such a struggle can go unnoticed, until it is too late.
We must learn our lessons from previous wars, avoiding what has happened to our veterans and heroes, who found themselves isolated and trying to adjust to a new life. We still cry for our men and women who never returned home, and America will never stop crying until they all come home. These POW's and MIA's from all the wars need to be honored and saluted for their bravery in serving our country. We pray that they will be welcomed home with open arms, waiting for their return. Understanding that the battle can continue inside our soldiers (PTSD) is an effort that we all must grasp before it's too late. Without persecuting the idea, without being bias, we can accept the gift of peace quilts as just one of many efforts in the road to healing.
I believe I am here to help through this mission of healing our great nation. Those who gave us their youth, knowing they will return as men. Those who cared for our loved ones, making sure they safely return to home. The doctors and nurses, and all our heroes, who never asked for anything in return. This is Peace quilts around the world, recognizing One and All, letting them know how much we love all of our heroes, past present, and future.
As our men and women serve this country from far across the land, it becomes our duty to serve our men and women from home. Honoring our heroes through show of support, our duties as Americans become the reassurance that every soldier needs to know.
They set off to war protecting us from harm in a ways we never knew. They set off into war, defending our flag and freedom. We thank them for serving our country, yet we as countrymen seldom know the true nature of war, and the horrors it presents. Sure, we can keep ourselves informed to some extend by watching the media and reading the papers, however, no one can understand war like the men and women who have experienced it and understand the true nature of it. Our men and women will never forget what they have experienced and endured for you and me. As we all stand up and rise as one nation, to love and support our pride, our loved ones, now and forever, we must give thanks and honor them around the world for giving us the sweetest gift of all, our freedom... To live the life we choose to live here in our wonderful USA. Remember this, that one day it will happen. Our loved ones will be called off to war, and we shall stand strong, with pride and honor, waving our American flag. We are all proud Americans, and we shall stand strong hand in hand.
When we open the door and see that man no more, our heart stops and we cry a river, thinking of the life that would be no more. But then a hand comes down from the heavens above, and touches our hearts with a mission. A mission to heal our souls finding a path that would shine once again, and to help those in need of that healing touch. Sometimes we ask questions, like why we are doing this?, and why would anyone care?. We care because it's our husbands, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, lovers, and best friends for a baby brother. Whoever these wonderful people are, they are our American Heroes, who gave us the right to love each other and share this world of ours in peace.
We have to remind ourselves that there are those in need of guidance, for there are so many that feel so lost as we once did. And yet when you stand back and see those smiling faces and tears that are shared between two, when you hear a thank you from a face you never knew, until we see the tears and hugs that come from far away lands, they say thank you for what we have done.
When we march on the path that was sent forth in front of us, only then will we understand how all of the hard work has helped open up so many doors for others to heal and live again.
Perhaps we as Americans can give back the gift they gave us, by being a part of Peace Quilts Around The World. We can share our healing with everyone through a connection. A connection between the distant heroes and their loved ones. That connection is Peace Quilts, bringing together families and communities across our great free land.
Peace Quilts around the world allows those who do not have any military servicemen and heroes in their family to send blessings and prayers to our men and women overseas, away from home. This gives our men and women a little bit of much needed love from home. These special quilts contain the stories and messages of love, healing, and dedications from American families, and perhaps someday, the world. By combining the different mediums God has given us, we can create miracles by doing his work through the different forms of art. God Bless Our Heroes where ever they may be....... Irena Bell Founder of Peace Quilts 702 433 8549
We have over 150 quilts that are dedicated to all of our heroes. Some of these quilts are dedicated to the 9/11 heroes, N.Y.F.D., N.Y.P.D., EMT's, K-9's, and all those who served helping America heal on that tragic day. We have quilts that honor our fallen police officers, those who serve in the military, as well those serve our homelands. We also have local businesses who have sponsored quilts to help support our military and aid in the healing. If you are interested in helping, or even sponsoring a quilt, please contact me at Ladycolbaltblue96@aol.com. Sponsored quilts will travel to our military bases around the world. The quilts allow the community to give thanks with a loving message, something that has never been done before. Our goal is to send these quilts around the world to support our men and women, no matter where they are. So far, my husband Scott Bell has 9 quilts in Camp Taji, Iraq, for the men and women to sign there. The ‘Gone But Not Forgotten’ quilt shows the names of every person that has passed away during Operation Iraqi Freedom. We also created the ‘9-11’ quilt, for the heroes who have also lost their lives. These people did not deserve to die, but we honor them as heroes through these quilts. Our dream is to send a quilt to every military base around the world, giving thanks and retribution. Soon, each one of these quilts will be going home to a fallen soldier’s family to show our thanks, as well as those that are in hospitals that have been wounded in this war. To make our dream come true, we ask everyone to join forces with Peace Quilts Around The World, to give thanks to our men and women, of the Armed Forces. Thank you all – Irena Bell and Family
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
The Growing Pains of Being a Twin
By Ann Stewart

Yesterday my twin boys graduated from preschool. I want you to know I am a very proud mother of my beautiful twin boys. I take comfort in believing that my children will always have each other even after their father and I have pasted on, but what are the growing pains of being twins. I am not a twin myself, but I have watched my twin boys grow and I think I am allowed to take a few guesses at what I call growing pains for multiple birth children. First people do not usually call them by name. They call them “the twins.” Like they are a inseparable person with the one name of “the twins” and one child is not known without the other. In other words they sometimes seem to have no separate identity. Another growing pain of a twin is always being compared to the standards of the other twin’s skills or learning abilities. Adults and parents are often so guilty of doing this to their children without thinking they are doing it to them. An example of this growing pain comparison would be saying something like “look your brother can do it, why don’t you try.” My families personal example of this is my son Carrigan became potty trained before my son Cameron and I think all the praise that Carrigan got for using the potty made his brother a little sad and jealous. So much so that Cameron felt the pressure to use the potty too, even though he didn’t want to. Peer pressure can be a powerful thing to children, and completive natures is high among siblings, especially twins. Although in many ways it can make children act in a positive way, I’m sure it hurts when your brother seems to be doing things faster and easier than you. Such as my son Cameron has learned how to count and say his alphabets and Carrigan is still struggling at trying to learn this. No child develops the same way. All children are different and parents or people cannot expect all their kids to learn at the same speed or level. I will say this though; I think the positive side of being a twin is you’re never alone. There’s always someone there for you, and even though kids may fight over toys or compete for parental attention or praise, the twins know they always have someone to play with. I think the positive side of having a twin, highly out weighs the negative side. It makes me wish I had a twin. For now I’m just glad to have twin boys, and boy am I proud of them. They are the most charming and handsome little men on the face of the planet.
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Yesterday my twin boys graduated from preschool. I want you to know I am a very proud mother of my beautiful twin boys. I take comfort in believing that my children will always have each other even after their father and I have pasted on, but what are the growing pains of being twins. I am not a twin myself, but I have watched my twin boys grow and I think I am allowed to take a few guesses at what I call growing pains for multiple birth children. First people do not usually call them by name. They call them “the twins.” Like they are a inseparable person with the one name of “the twins” and one child is not known without the other. In other words they sometimes seem to have no separate identity. Another growing pain of a twin is always being compared to the standards of the other twin’s skills or learning abilities. Adults and parents are often so guilty of doing this to their children without thinking they are doing it to them. An example of this growing pain comparison would be saying something like “look your brother can do it, why don’t you try.” My families personal example of this is my son Carrigan became potty trained before my son Cameron and I think all the praise that Carrigan got for using the potty made his brother a little sad and jealous. So much so that Cameron felt the pressure to use the potty too, even though he didn’t want to. Peer pressure can be a powerful thing to children, and completive natures is high among siblings, especially twins. Although in many ways it can make children act in a positive way, I’m sure it hurts when your brother seems to be doing things faster and easier than you. Such as my son Cameron has learned how to count and say his alphabets and Carrigan is still struggling at trying to learn this. No child develops the same way. All children are different and parents or people cannot expect all their kids to learn at the same speed or level. I will say this though; I think the positive side of being a twin is you’re never alone. There’s always someone there for you, and even though kids may fight over toys or compete for parental attention or praise, the twins know they always have someone to play with. I think the positive side of having a twin, highly out weighs the negative side. It makes me wish I had a twin. For now I’m just glad to have twin boys, and boy am I proud of them. They are the most charming and handsome little men on the face of the planet.
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Monday, May 01, 2006
The American Medical Crisis
By Ann Stewart

We have a serious problem in this country. It’s the price of healthcare. People can’t afford to get sick and if they do get sick it could cost them and their families everything they own to get healthcare. The problem is so many people are uninsured, but the people who are insured often abuse it by going to the doctor regularly for unnecessary reasons. Also the shortage of medical staff we have in this country is increasing, especially for RN’s.

Ok so let’s say you want to be a nurse, or in allied healthcare or let’s say you want to be a doctor. Do you know how much it’s going to cost you to go to school? I consider myself an expert on this because I am doing it now. You cannot go into healthcare for the money, it’s the wrong reason. Being in the healthcare field is a labor of love, cause your probably not going to get rich at it. Here in Tennessee where I live, there are some of the best medical schools on the face of the planet, but they cost almost as much as the planet to attend. So I am an average working citizen. I used to deliver food for a living, before and while I went to college. I made an average of $10.00 dollars an hour. I went to college and got an associates degree and became an X-ray tech and I paid over 15,000 dollars to get that degree and I still make about the same as I did when I delivered food for a living and had no college degree. So now I’m just 15,000 dollars more in debt and still making the same amount of money as I could make delivering pizza. I also worked at the Davison County Sheriff’s office as an officer and made more money and had better benefits than most jobs in the medical field. You see the medical field doesn’t pay that well so you spend all this money to go school and get an education and you still make about the same amount of money as you did before you went to college, the only difference now is I have medical care and some better benefits for my family. I am married and I have 3 children, (may I add 3 beautiful children and wonderful husband, who I love very much). My husband and I both have steady jobs. My husband works at Federal Express and has his B. S. from Tennessee State University and it has helped him in his job, because he got promoted to an office job, when he received his degree. So going to college can be beneficial for the average working class citizens if they are in the right career. But in the medical field it’s hard to say if you come out any better financially than you were before you got your degree. Becoming a nurse, especially an RN, is probably one of the best things anyone can do right now. There is such a major shortage of nurses now and you will always have a job anywhere you go in the world, but to go to nursing school is very expensive as well. Right now at my local colleges it cost about 25 to 50 thousand dollars to pay for PA school programs or RN programs and that’s considered fairly cheap. It cost that much or more to become a nurse and when they get though college they are going to make an average of about 24,000 to 55,000 dollars a year. Many could make that in other career fields such as a security guard or Criminal Justice Officer with only High School degree and never have to pay to go though college. I know because I did it. Now lets say you want to be a doctor and I do want to be one, so it’s going to cost at least 100 thousand to go though a med school program. That cost more than the home my family and I live in. I should be asking is it worth it? Once you get though the 4 years of medical school than you have a 4 year residency and I’ve been told by the doctors I work with that you only make about 40,000 dollars a year during residency. Now after reading all this most people would probably be crazy to want to go into the medical field. Plus it’s hard work and you have to study constantly, because any career in the medical field takes brain power. You don’t get many vacations and you probably won’t be home on Christmas, and you’ll work like a dog when you graduate. But some things are more important than money. We are all going to die someday. That is just a fact of life and what we do while we are here on this earth is all that is going to be given to our children. Going into the medical field will give you the knowledge to take care of your family when they need you. I would know this too cause I have a mother with Lymphoma cancer and when she got sick I had no idea how to take care of her. You see I want the knowledge and to me and my family it’s worth paying for, but to other people in America who are looking for a career, going in the medical field doesn’t look attractive to them right now because of the price tag that comes with it. If our American Government doesn’t do something about the price of medical school and what it cost to pay to go into the medical field or the allied health field, our shortage of nurses and medical staff is going to get thinner and thinner until there’s no one to take care of the sick and sick people just can’t afford to be sick anyway as it is. So the uninsured will just have to die on the street. Hopefully it won’t get that bad, but the future of American medical care sure isn’t looking bright.
When I lived overseas in Europe all citizens got medical care for free. The people were taxed to death of course, but all got free medical care. I don’t know if America will ever go to this way of government, but hopefully we can find something better than we have now. So does anyone have any answers?
Linda P.: Hi Ann-
1st of all, let me say that your personal story and academic endeavors are inspiring. In response to some of the issues you bring up...I can comment on a part that is near and dear to me; Yes, to get a BSN is very expensive these days...and like you said...the pay is not comparable to some things. But where there is a will, there is a way. My advice to someone wanting to enter that field who does not have independent income or large scholarships is this:
First go to your local Community college and obtain your ADN (Assoc. Degree of Nursing). The tuition in these schools is much more reasonable. Second- enroll in a RN to BSN program designed to complete the academic requirements of an ADN to a bachelors degree. Third- do the RN to BSN program while employed part time or week-end package as a RN at a hospital that pays tuition reimbursement.
Voila! that is the most cost effective way to get that BSN without going into deep debt.
I have been a nurse for over 30 years and have never regretted that choice once. I have loved every single job I have ever had in nursing.
Ann Stewart: Wow Ms. Linda...Thank you for that well thought out comment from someone who knows and has been there. I highly respect nurses. Although I am shooting for the MD degree I know your job is one the hardest of all and I know it took you much hard work to get where you are...I commend you for it. Thank you once again for the comment and advice. You give me strength in your words.
Scarlet Termite: I have no answers for this one, annibelle. All I can say is that I am so proud of you. You are going to be the best doc! Better than Dr. Gupta! I loves ya!
Ann Stewart: Bug I was expecting you to rant...but thanks for the sweet words bug...You're my bestest internet bug.
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We have a serious problem in this country. It’s the price of healthcare. People can’t afford to get sick and if they do get sick it could cost them and their families everything they own to get healthcare. The problem is so many people are uninsured, but the people who are insured often abuse it by going to the doctor regularly for unnecessary reasons. Also the shortage of medical staff we have in this country is increasing, especially for RN’s.

Ok so let’s say you want to be a nurse, or in allied healthcare or let’s say you want to be a doctor. Do you know how much it’s going to cost you to go to school? I consider myself an expert on this because I am doing it now. You cannot go into healthcare for the money, it’s the wrong reason. Being in the healthcare field is a labor of love, cause your probably not going to get rich at it. Here in Tennessee where I live, there are some of the best medical schools on the face of the planet, but they cost almost as much as the planet to attend. So I am an average working citizen. I used to deliver food for a living, before and while I went to college. I made an average of $10.00 dollars an hour. I went to college and got an associates degree and became an X-ray tech and I paid over 15,000 dollars to get that degree and I still make about the same as I did when I delivered food for a living and had no college degree. So now I’m just 15,000 dollars more in debt and still making the same amount of money as I could make delivering pizza. I also worked at the Davison County Sheriff’s office as an officer and made more money and had better benefits than most jobs in the medical field. You see the medical field doesn’t pay that well so you spend all this money to go school and get an education and you still make about the same amount of money as you did before you went to college, the only difference now is I have medical care and some better benefits for my family. I am married and I have 3 children, (may I add 3 beautiful children and wonderful husband, who I love very much). My husband and I both have steady jobs. My husband works at Federal Express and has his B. S. from Tennessee State University and it has helped him in his job, because he got promoted to an office job, when he received his degree. So going to college can be beneficial for the average working class citizens if they are in the right career. But in the medical field it’s hard to say if you come out any better financially than you were before you got your degree. Becoming a nurse, especially an RN, is probably one of the best things anyone can do right now. There is such a major shortage of nurses now and you will always have a job anywhere you go in the world, but to go to nursing school is very expensive as well. Right now at my local colleges it cost about 25 to 50 thousand dollars to pay for PA school programs or RN programs and that’s considered fairly cheap. It cost that much or more to become a nurse and when they get though college they are going to make an average of about 24,000 to 55,000 dollars a year. Many could make that in other career fields such as a security guard or Criminal Justice Officer with only High School degree and never have to pay to go though college. I know because I did it. Now lets say you want to be a doctor and I do want to be one, so it’s going to cost at least 100 thousand to go though a med school program. That cost more than the home my family and I live in. I should be asking is it worth it? Once you get though the 4 years of medical school than you have a 4 year residency and I’ve been told by the doctors I work with that you only make about 40,000 dollars a year during residency. Now after reading all this most people would probably be crazy to want to go into the medical field. Plus it’s hard work and you have to study constantly, because any career in the medical field takes brain power. You don’t get many vacations and you probably won’t be home on Christmas, and you’ll work like a dog when you graduate. But some things are more important than money. We are all going to die someday. That is just a fact of life and what we do while we are here on this earth is all that is going to be given to our children. Going into the medical field will give you the knowledge to take care of your family when they need you. I would know this too cause I have a mother with Lymphoma cancer and when she got sick I had no idea how to take care of her. You see I want the knowledge and to me and my family it’s worth paying for, but to other people in America who are looking for a career, going in the medical field doesn’t look attractive to them right now because of the price tag that comes with it. If our American Government doesn’t do something about the price of medical school and what it cost to pay to go into the medical field or the allied health field, our shortage of nurses and medical staff is going to get thinner and thinner until there’s no one to take care of the sick and sick people just can’t afford to be sick anyway as it is. So the uninsured will just have to die on the street. Hopefully it won’t get that bad, but the future of American medical care sure isn’t looking bright.
When I lived overseas in Europe all citizens got medical care for free. The people were taxed to death of course, but all got free medical care. I don’t know if America will ever go to this way of government, but hopefully we can find something better than we have now. So does anyone have any answers?
Linda P.: Hi Ann-
1st of all, let me say that your personal story and academic endeavors are inspiring. In response to some of the issues you bring up...I can comment on a part that is near and dear to me; Yes, to get a BSN is very expensive these days...and like you said...the pay is not comparable to some things. But where there is a will, there is a way. My advice to someone wanting to enter that field who does not have independent income or large scholarships is this:
First go to your local Community college and obtain your ADN (Assoc. Degree of Nursing). The tuition in these schools is much more reasonable. Second- enroll in a RN to BSN program designed to complete the academic requirements of an ADN to a bachelors degree. Third- do the RN to BSN program while employed part time or week-end package as a RN at a hospital that pays tuition reimbursement.
Voila! that is the most cost effective way to get that BSN without going into deep debt.
I have been a nurse for over 30 years and have never regretted that choice once. I have loved every single job I have ever had in nursing.
Ann Stewart: Wow Ms. Linda...Thank you for that well thought out comment from someone who knows and has been there. I highly respect nurses. Although I am shooting for the MD degree I know your job is one the hardest of all and I know it took you much hard work to get where you are...I commend you for it. Thank you once again for the comment and advice. You give me strength in your words.
Scarlet Termite: I have no answers for this one, annibelle. All I can say is that I am so proud of you. You are going to be the best doc! Better than Dr. Gupta! I loves ya!
Ann Stewart: Bug I was expecting you to rant...but thanks for the sweet words bug...You're my bestest internet bug.
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Why Eat Your Vegetables?

By Ann Stewart
In my opinion there is no one in the world that wants to be morbidly obese, and I have been obese. The really sad part about it is more and more of us Americans are becoming obese and it’s not just America. The World Health Organization now recognizes obesity as a major global health problem. The increased availability of fattening foods in many countries combines with more sedentary lifestyles puts excess pounds on the bodies. It tends to be a problem in more over devolved modernized countries such as the USA.
The obesity epidemic has stimulated an increase in research on the causes and possible treatments for weight control problems. Inheritance can play a major factor in obesity. Most of the weight regulating hormones are polypeptide or proteins and researcher have identified dozens of the genes that code for these hormones. This hereditary connection helps explain why certain people have to struggle so hard to control their weight, while others are seemingly able to eat and eat without gaining a pound. Leptin which is produced by the adipose fat tissue suppresses appetites. When there is a storage of Leptin in the body this can cause weight gain. Can this be inherited?
Here is one thing I have been studying lately. Vegetables or food from plants have cell walls and most people know it good to eat their vegetables, but I never knew until recently that your body has a harder time digesting these food from plants because of the cell walls. So much more of the product becomes waste than meat or protein products. Proteins, fats or meats are absorbed by the body faster than plants or vegetables are. More of the vegetable is released as waste product. This is just one more good reason for people who are overweight to eat their vegetables.
News Talk
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Ann: I’ve recently linked two other message talk sites to this site…One of the talk sites is the “Jewels of Arabia Royals of Arab World.” It seems to be a pretty busy discussion site that you can participate in….Also I am linking to a talk site called “What is a Libertarian” and it’s a discussion board. It could be very educational if you ever have any questions about what a Libertarian is and it’s my belief that the ideas of the Libertarian’s way of government here is America is getting more and more popular. I have met many Libertarians who think their way of government is the way of the future…So if you are interested in talking or learning about either of these subjects I’m linking them so you can find them easily, and don’t forget about our new talk site on the "USA 2008 Presidential Election." That discussion site is not busy now…but I’m sure it will be by the time the US Presidential Election draws close. This comment below is what a nice person wrote in and said about the Arabian Royals Talk site:
Alive: New Royals Message board. It has many pictures of the Qatari Royals and UAE Royals. It is called Jewels of Arabia Royals of the Arab World. I like it a lot better than all the other message boards.
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News Talk
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Saturday, August 06, 2005
Talk On Bill Clinton, Time Warner, and Obesity In America

Ann Stewart: While watching CNN’s Housecalls this morning with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and special guest President Bill Clinton, I heard Bill Clinton say some thing that really hit home for me. Bill Clinton mentioned that poverty can be a helpful contributor to obesity. That is so right in my opinion. It’s my belief that bad unhealthy food is cheap, and most diet foods and programs that can help you lose weight, such as Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Criag, Weight Watcher and other programs cost a lot of money, and poor people can’t afford it. That’s right…it’s my belief that many poor people just can’t afford to be healthy in this county, cause not only do many of them have to work a lot and don’t have time to cook or buy the more healthily food and keep the more health exercise habits, but it’s just cheaper in America to be fat. You see I grew up in poverty…My father would go squirrel hunting and frog gigging every weekend to put any kind of meat on the table that we could get…cause we couldn’t afford meat from the store, and I don’t know if any of you have ever eat’in a squirrel, but it’s red greasy meat and its not good for you, I can remember my mother used to lye to me and tell me it was chicken to try to get me to eat it. We never could afford good healthy food like chicken and momma fried everything in cheap lard and I grew up fat as a cow. I love my momma though…she’s the best…it’s just back then my parents did the best they could do to raise and feed 6 kids…But you can eat frog legs though…those are really good for you if you cook them the right way…try to bake them not fry them…THAT MAKES GOOD FROG LEGS…Taste like fish…Yum Yum…good eat’in…I dig frogs. I'm a country bumpkin...Anyways back to Bill Clinton…Bill Clinton grew up extremely poor too and look how far he has gone in his life…I do so idolize him for that…Bill Clinton is a shining example of the American Dream…You don’t have to stay in poverty just because you come from poverty…Just look at everything Bill Clinton has accomplished in his life and he wasn’t born into a rich family like most of the Presidents we have had…and now I read on the internet from Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s article in a Time Magazine article that President Bill Clinton is trying a modified South Beach diet. Well so am I and I think that maybe President Clinton might know the cost of fresh fruits and meats compared to cheap unhealthy foods you can get at McDonalds, Toco Bell, and Burger King. An example of this is at many McDonald’s it cost about a $1.00 plus tax to get a burger and at my local grocery store it cost about $3.50 to $5.00 plus tax to get a small bushel of grapes or about $2.00 plus tax to get a small bag of apples or oranges and to buy fresh meat is even more ridiculously expensive and it cost about 4 to 5 dollars to get a can of mixed nuts…which these foods are on the South Beach diet. A pound of Hamburger cost about 2 to 3 dollars and a small stake cost can cost anywhere from 3 to 6 dollars and these are foods you can eat on the Dr. Atkins diet…but it’s just cheaper and easier to go to McDonalds and buy 2 or 3 hamburgers that’s loaded full of carbs and you don’t even have to cook it. But I want to inform anyone who might read this, that most fast food places like McDonalds, Burger King and other restaurants have a calorie, carb, and fat content chart now. All you have to do is request the food content chart from most of your fast food restaurants and the staff at the restaurant will probably give it to you. You see when I was on the Weight Watchers diet, I really liked that diet cause I could eat out more than what I could do when I was on Dr. Atkins. Weight Watchers has a point book that will tell you some things that you can eat at many restaurants if you are a really busy person and you can’t cook all the time. That’s another reason I consider Weight Watchers to be one of the best diet programs there is… because you can eat out at more places, and I consider Weight Watchers a little cheaper than the other diets (especial Jenny Criag where you have to buy most your food from them and food is so overly expensive it will brake you, and the food doesn’t taste that great either in my opinion) and the results have been reported to be longer lasting for people on the Weight Watchers program than people on the Dr. Atkins diet. When I did Dr. Atkins diet I couldn’t eat many carbs…only less than 20 carbs a day was all I could eat…that leaves it to where you can mostly just eat meat or nuts and once I had to start taking in carbs again than I started gaining weight really fast…You see I went on Dr. Atkins after I had my first child, and I lost weight after giving birth to my first baby on the Dr. Atkins program, but when I became pregnant a second time with my twin boys I was still on the Dr. Atkins diet at the time and my doctor told me I couldn’t be on Dr. Atkins during my pregnancy and that it could be unhealthy to not eat carbs while you are pregnant. This is a story I wrote on Surgery and Diets because I have done both. I was once told that carbs are brain food…but I don’t know how true that really is…but my doctor said carbs are needed to help the babies develop properly…So I had to start taking in carbs again because of the pregnancy and I gained over 115 pounds during my pregnancy with my twin boys…I was over 300 pounds by the end of my 2nd pregnancy with my twins and my weight gain helped my blood pressure to sky rocket and I developed toxemia/Pre-eclampsia, and Edema…than at about 34 weeks of gestation of my twin pregnancy all the fluid in my body back up in my lungs and gave me pneumonia and plural effusion(which is medical terminology for fluid in the lungs)…I was put on bed rest in Baptist hospital and was spitting up blood. Now I’m not a doctor, but I don’t recommend that women in child baring years that might want to get pregnant be on the Dr. Atkins diet…I personally don’t think it’s the safest diet to be on if you want to have a healthy child and I know as soon I started talking in carbs again the weight came right back on with a lot more to boot, but I do know that Dr. Atkins can help you lose weight fast…It’s just long term keeping the weight off that is hard and questionable on the Dr. Atkins diet in my opinion. That’s another reason why I consider Weight Watchers to be a more healthy program…Most doctors I know consider it a little more healthy to be on a diet program like Weight Watchers where you can eat more vegetables, carbs, and lean meats….you just cut out the fat. Weight Watchers works on a point system and it cost about 10 to 20 dollars a month to join the program, and you go to monthly meetings for the information and support and even though I know Weight Watchers might not want me to tell you this, you can really follow the program on your own with the information that is printed on the internet.

Bill Clinton looks to have lost a lot of weight…He’s had heart surgery and problems that he said was due to his weight problems and fast food eating…You can read about it in this CNN report by Dr. Gupta if you missed his show Housecalls show this morning. I’m posting this picture I took of my Television during the CNN coverage cause I don’t think I’ve ever remembered seeing Bill Clinton this skinny before…He looks good but a little pale…and I hope his health is good now…and I want him to know I’m praying for him…You see I want Bill Clinton to go down in history as the one President we have in America that came from a poor childhood, but was intelligent enough and worked hard enough to become President of the United States….He is a shining example of what you can accomplish and what can happen to all of us people who come from poverty. That is why I want a education so badly and I’ve never been able to afford one…now I’m determined to get one…And I want to do this talk website for educational reasons…so hopefully I can die knowing I contributed something positive to the world like Bill Clinton has done. I have a talk site on Bill Clinton...It's not very busy and it doesn't get many comments but I hope one day it will, cause I like talking about this man. You see some people may consider this website a just a joke because we do kid around a lot here…but you must understand that there are many people in the world who haven’t learned how to make a website yet…They are just like I was 5 years ago and they may have never have learned how to make a website about things that are important to them. These quick topic talk sites are so easy to use most people can do it…It gives those people a voice. A place to go and ask questions and maybe get an answer or just voice their ideas and opinions about anything or everything they might care about. I also know that the internet can be a dangerous place and I hope that nothing bad ever happens here at this website an example of what I worry about would be like a young girl might meet up with a kidnapper or something on one of these talk sites we have started and get hurt or in trouble. I warn you all to be careful when using the internet...I’ve heard of things like that on the news and worst stories that have happened and I would be heartbroken if that was to ever happen on these talk sites at Talk Webzine, so talk webzine internet chatters please be careful on these sites…Don't meet up with anybody if you feel it's unsafe...You never know who your talking too...but I still feel like this website can be great for educational purposes and it gives people a voice. If any of you people who participate in these discussion sites are like me…than you have probably sent written correspondence to news, and television networks and magazines and never had a chance to get your written words heard by the open general public…If so than just consider this talk site your voice. A place where you can go and be heard.
I want to write a message for the Time Warner staff and company…You see the day before yesterday I called Time Warner because I needed to ask some questions about picture Copyrights…you see I am fairly new at making websites…and I have only been doing websites for a few years…I was told by the lady at Time Warner that I could not get permission to use pictures that come off of my television set for any websites…and I did not know that because I have seen so many people on the internet do that…Like Don Thompson over at the famous talking head website and there are many others on the internet who do this as well. You see I want permission from Time Warner to use their images, but I realize I’m not going to get it, because Time Warner can’t give permission to anyone to use images. So I’m just going to say this to the Time Warner staff and I know the staff at Time Warner visits our sites sometimes cause our site meters picks your company computers up and lets me know when you visit our sites. I’m going to make policing this talk website easy for you…I will always write where I get my pictures from or post a link back to the place I got it from if I am the one doing the posts on the blogs, but please understand that I am not the only one who post on those talk blogs…they are open to the public and anyone can post on them…. If you see what I am doing as a problem to your company than email me and let me know…My email address is
annx-ray@hotmail.com Feel free to write me anytime and let me know if something on my site is a problem to your staff…This site is just like a little person on the speck of News Talk and Time Warner is like the powerful big brother that most of us admire and fear, and we just want the right to exists, cause you know we are talking about you and your staff on a regular basis…Time Warner is like our big powerful brother. So please lets keep our website and if you want something removed just email me and let me know. I have always been open and honest about who I am and how to reach me…and that goes for anyone else who might want something removed from these talk sites too. Just write me and let me know what to remove…If you are a photographer who wants credit for your photos or wants them removed than just let me know and I will do so. I make no money at doing these websites…This is a public free service and every bit of the information, time and comments I or other people have given are free and open to the public…and Time Warner and any other news network, or independent person can use any comments that are posted on these sites cause these are all open to the public forums and any written statement can be used by anyone. I really do want this site to be legal and useful to the general public, and I hope Time Warner and other media companies see this site as a good thing and let us use their stated words, photos, and information to make this site possible to spread the news on the web.
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